Quality vs. Quantity

This is a daily struggle for most people. Whether it’s buying that new Calvin Klein shirt for $40 at the mall or using that same $40 to buy several shirts at Ross, everyone at some point was left with a tough decision. It doesn’t have to necessarily be with clothes, food, or material things. What about the quality of time versus the quantity of time spent with family or your significant other? If you are confused about the two terms, I’ll explain. Quantity time is the amount of time spent between two people. Quality time is the undivided attention between two people that is expected to produce positive interactions.

Don’t waste time!

How many of you were left conflicted with the thought of whether or not you spend enough time with the ones you hold so dear? I know I have been left with the same guilty feeling that I’m sure a lot of you have felt on a daily basis. When it comes to raising a family or even marriage what exactly is the correct answer to how much time we should spend with them? To be honest, there is not really a set number I can give you because everyone’s situation may be different. Which brings me to the fact that it’s not about the amount of time you spend with someone, but more the quality of time spent.

My family and I on Christmas Eve ❤️

I say that because I’ve been in that situation before. For instance, I’ve been off on a Saturday at home with my children, but not once did I play with them or even try to interact with them besides saying “good morning” or occasionally bumping into them in the kitchen to make lunch or get a snack. Another example is watching television with them all day, but not interacting with them. You may say, “yeah, but you’re at home with them at least watching a show together!” True, but the fact is I am allowing the television to take over what I should be doing: educating them, playing catch, hide and seek, talking to them, and showing them how much I truly love them.

This is such a true statement!

Quality time definitely trumps quantity. It’s about making the best of every situation! Maximizing the little time you may have with your loved ones, making those moments count. Getting to know them intimately. That is what life is really about! Everyone has the same 24 hours a day, but what you do with your time will determine how far you go. If you want to know another way to spell love, it’s TIME! People will eventually forget about the money you spent on them, but they will never forget about the time you spent with them. Quit wasting those valuable minutes on things that are not important and spend time with the ones you love!

I never want to say, “I wish I had!”

Published by Uninterrupted Thoughts

I’m brand new to blogging so please bear with me! Writing is one of my passions among other things. I aspire to be an author one day and hopefully I can gain some followers along the way! If you want to know more about me stay tuned and it will be revealed to you within my work!

4 thoughts on “Quality vs. Quantity

      1. That’s crazy, but true. Since I’ve read your post I’ve been more intentional about the things I do with them when I get home. We can not get that time back as you said. It is our most valuable asset.

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