Turning Your No’s Into Knows

We’ve all been down this path of self-doubt and uncertainty, where we second guess ourselves to the point of depleting any and all self confidence we’ve ever had. Have you ever known the answer to something, but for some reason you were afraid to give a response for fear that you just might be wrong? Or what about doubting your capabilities in leading or teaching a new thing to someone? Isn’t it amazing how we put so much trust in other people or even technology to educate us on things than we do our own selves? I know I’ve struggled with self confidence in the past. I’ve had opportunities thrown at me for training positions, leadership roles and etc, but turned them down due to me not “seeing myself” in those positions. Truthfully, I didn’t have enough confidence in myself to fulfill those roles and basically threw away opportunities given to me. How many of you have ever felt like me? Have you ever just made up an excuse just because you were afraid you would not live up to the potential that other people saw in you?

It’s time to break the chains of “self doubt” and free our minds from captivity. Each and everyone of us have the opportunity to show the world that we do have what it takes. I recently researched different techniques you can use to build your self confidence back up and so far they have helped me. Here is a list of techniques you can use: daily affirmations, picturing yourself as who you want to become, do something that scares you every day, reflect on your criticisms of yourself, do the 100 days of rejection challenge, position yourself for a victory, help someone else in need, and self care. Confidence comes from within; its not something we can just put on or pick out of a magazine. It’s the acknowledgement and appreciation in your own abilities and qualities. Let’s start retraining our minds on things that will improve us and tapping into any available resources to become our best selves. That way when our time has come to be picked we will turn our “no” into “know”!

Published by Uninterrupted Thoughts

I’m brand new to blogging so please bear with me! Writing is one of my passions among other things. I aspire to be an author one day and hopefully I can gain some followers along the way! If you want to know more about me stay tuned and it will be revealed to you within my work!

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